Due to concerns about the novel coronavirus and related disease (COVID-19), We are taking additional precautionary measures within the hospital to keep our staff, doctors, animals, clients, and visitors safe, while continuing to provide essential patient care.
Over the past few months, we have been closely monitoring medical information about the new strain of coronavirus known as covid19. We are strong believers in preventative medicine, wellness, and safety of our clients, patients, and team. For this reason Tulsa Town Veterinary Hospital supports the practice known as social distancing and want to do our part to be able to care for our patients while helping to slow the spread of a disease that we do not yet have immunity for. We will continue to see patients for as long as possible but will be encouraging the following guidelines:
1) We are encouraging curb-side drop off service starting Wednesday, March 18th. Please call us at 918-794-5566 when you arrive to the parking lot for your appointment. One of our knowledgeable staff will be able to get your pet checked-in and attain a good history and plan over the phone. A staff member will also be able to come out to your car and bring your dog/cat inside so that you have minimal contact with public surfaces. Please bring your dog on a leash and your cat in an enclosed carrier. We will always call to give you a detailed diagnostic and treatment plan. Payment can also be made over the phone via credit card. We will still take cash or checks but prefer credit card at this time to diminish contact.
2) When picking up medications or food, give us a call prior and we will have the medications ready for you. Payment can be made over the phone and we can take the medication to your car (curbside) when you arrive and call.
3) Dogs, cats, and other domestic animals have NOT been found to be carriers of covid19. Covid19 is now human to human transmission through respiratory droplets and contaminated surfaces with those droplets. This is why if symptomatic, another person should take over care of your pet and you should avoid much contact with them to prevent transfer of surface contamination. Again, pets do not carry this strain of virus and they are not considered an active source of infection.
4) In the event that drop-off service is not possible we will make an attempt to put you in an exam room as quickly as possible. We ask for your safety as well as those clients that are immune-suppressed not to spend much time in public areas such as the reception area and kid’s corner for now. We will be frequently disinfecting surfaces such as counters, handles, and seats. We already cleaned surfaces before this outbreak and took pride in a clean hospital environment, but will be taking extra precautions with door handles, pens, counters etc.
5) As always, if you are symptomatic please stay home so that you can recover and avoid spreading infection to others. Sometimes we forget in this day and age that “it takes a village” and we are all in this together. Stay safe!
**We are so very sorry to inconvenience anyone. This is obviously not how we like to conduct our business, but our primary goal is to stay healthy, keep others around us healthy and continue to provide service throughout the duration of this pandemic.
The Centers for Disease Control have a comprehensive website with general information and more about COVID-19 and animals: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html
Thank you.
The staff at Tulsa Town Veterinary Hospital
Call 918-794-5566 to speak with a staff member during business hours